Tuesday 14 April 2015

Orientation Day One (28th February, 2015)

On 28th February 2015, all the staff members of TCV School Gopalpur got assembled at Green Hostel for Day One Orientation Program, initiated by the school management committee to get mentally readied and prepared for the new academic session. The guest of honor for the occasion was Rev. Lobsang Tenzin, who was one of the founding fathers of Tibetan Children’s Village School – Dharamsala in 1960. One of the reasons of inviting Rev. Tenzin la is, he being veteran, having vast experiences, knowledgeable and well-versed in the working of TCV Schools, could be a good source of inspiration for our young and energetic staff members. We listened to his life history filled with dedication and commitment since the inception of Tibetan Children’s Village. He shared his working experiences, challenges and difficulties that he came across and overcoming of those challenges with sincerity, honesty and commitment toward the works that had been assigned to him by the late sister of HH the Dalai Lama, Tsering Dolma lak.
In the infancy stage of TCV growth and development, there were numerous problems including basic requirement such as non-availability of huge cauldron for the growing number of children coming from different regions of India, drinking water, clothing etc. His Holiness was greatly concerned with the children’s health and education and everyone was urged to take care of young budding Tibetans who are the future seeds of Tibet. Gen. Tenzin also had rich working experiences in the establishment of TCV School Choglamsar, Leh Ladakh. His farsightedness and being visionary, TCV School Choglamsar, Leh Ladakh today flourished over the years and taking care and responsibility of Tibetan Children’s Education in and around Ladakh including Jangthang areas.
Having worked for sometime in TCV Suja and he retired from TCV services but the private office of HH the Dalai Lama asked Gen. Tenzin lak to take the responsibility of taking care and looking after the Phodang (palace) at Choglamsar.Today he is 91 years old but still looking healthy and energetic even after years of services rendered to the Tibetan Children’s Villages in various capacities. We feel blessed by his talk and many of us got inspired by his lifelong services to TCV Schools.
The Second session of Day One Orientation Program was taken by the school Director and Principal. The Director apprised the staff members regarding the important resolutions passed in the Management Development Committee Meeting held at Youth Hostel – Delhi. He also informed the changes made in the account manual and measures to be taken if any staff members resort to corporal punishment against students. Thereafter, the Principal continued with the minutes and resolutions of EDC Meeting held in 2014. Minute details of resolutions of Education Development Committee Meeting were informed to the staff members. Every staff is urged to shoulder the responsibility with zest and full commitment in the coming academic months and work towards holistic development of our children. Then he also informed us about SQAA (School Quality Assessment and Accreditation) workshop held in Chandigarh for the Principals of CBSE schools. To get our school accreditated by the CBSE, we ought to do and fulfill some of the criteria set by the CBSE. Everyone is held responsible towards achieving accreditation of our school by the Central Board of Secondary Education.
Orientation Day Two (1st March 2015)
The orientation day two for the staff members was held at the same venue (Green Hostel). The guest of honor for the day was Gen. Jamphel Dakpa lak, the Principal of Sarah – Tibetan Institute for Higher Studies, Sarah. Some of the important pointers from the chief guest speech are driven here for implementation and execution in our day to day work. Genla said that everything depends on your thinking and asked us to develop the skills of doing analysis and critical thinking. The year 2014 is past history and leave behind those things which were undone and appreciate the good and job well done. He cited example of a tree, look at the trees, seasonally shedding leaves and getting new ones, we should also be changing as the changes taking place in the society and world at large. Furthermore, he emphasized on team and collaborative work and advised us to be friendly and trustworthy of each other. Suppose if you had a problem with someone last year, try to come closer and talk to that person, so that a good relationship and rapport is built.
Secondly, home mothers are requested to prepare delicious and quality food for our kids and think yourself lucky and fortunate to have got chance to provide your service if done qualitatively, you get opportunity to accumulate merits in this life time. If you do the work as a duty to be done, then there is no accumulation of merits rather it is a sin. 
Staff members are told to expect problems all the time. Since we are in the problem zone, there are all sorts of problems which need to be addressed and don’t run away from them rather than addressing them. He cited some examples how he managed to keep anger under control. To clean up the water, water needs to be settled down first, so is calming down helps you to get problems solved with students. Anger fuels anger and your mind gets closed when you are angry and rapport between the teacher and concerned students get deteriorated and problems remain unresolved.
Lastly he said a few lines on the corporal punishment against students. Now a day it is considered illegal to resort to corporal punishment and also goes against the child’s rights. Try to find ways and other alternatives in dealing with students’ behavioral problems. Each one of us has been asked to evaluate your day’s work before you go sleep and feel regrets for work done unwell and appreciate your work well done. Everyone is further urged to spend 5 – 10 minutes in the morning either to pray or read a few lines from His Holiness books or listen to speeches of His Holiness and make up your mind that you will use the day judiciously and in a fruitful manner for the well-being of my students and co-workers. With that he wished us good luck and successful academic years ahead.
Second session of day two orientation program was held in respective departments where staff members once again welcomed by respective Heads and were briefed about the new academic session. Time tables, lesson plan books and necessary information were provided.