Wednesday 13 August 2014

A Special Report On Arts And Crafts Exhibition

As per direction and expenses borne by the Department of Education, Central Tibetan Administration, every Tibetan school in exile were to provide Arts and Craft Education to our budding and future seeds of Tibet. So far many people have misunderstanding about learning arts and crafts and they are meant for non-scholastic students but in reality arts and crafts have become an important aspects of modern education and anyone can take these as specialized subject for making a career. It is the teachers that help children to understand the importance of arts and crafts in order to achieve their creative potential. All children love to create art and make things. In young children playing with arts and crafts inspires creativity while helping them to focus their mind and complete a set task while other children can begin to gain an understanding of artistic and design skills that may affect their future educational choices. Teachers need to realize the importance of using creative skills to stimulate children’s minds and give them a fantastic opportunity to express themselves in their unique way. They are given the opportunity to work with color and form and with different materials to create their own piece of artwork giving them a sense of achievement and also giving them the opportunity of appreciating other’s artwork. During rainy and holidays, rather than your child watching TV, encourage them to work on a craft project and the end result can be proudly displayed on your fridge or on a shelf. We as teachers should understand the importance of creativity and inspiring children to develop a love for the subject. Later in school life there are many creative options that can be continued as qualifications or even as a career.

In the Tibetan Children’s Village School Gopalpur under the dynamic leadership of Junior Section headmaster Mr. Sangpo, the project of Arts and Crafts was undertaken with initiative of Mrs. Sechung. The Arts and Crafts project got underway with involvement of 16 students after their school hour from May 28 to July 23, at 4.30 pm – 5.45pm. The Arts and Crafts in charge Gen. Sechung la has been working with the students day in and day out without even break on Sundays and Holidays besides her classroom teaching loads.
All the students have learned to make the following items;
1.    Flower making from paper,     
2. Paper Bag from scrap,  
3. Lamp Shade,   
4. Book Binding,
5. Photo frame,  
6. Knitting (door mat, table cloth, blanket, side bag),   
7. Basket from cards/milk cover,   
8. Crochet (Bottle carrier, mini handbag),  
9. Baby socks,  
10. Pen stand,    and
11. Different shapes from scrap    
The Department of Education, CTA has urged every Tibetan school to come with their artworks to be displayed on July 24 – July 26. Gen. Sechung was accompanied by two students namely Tenzin Deckyi and Tenzin Lhamo went to Gangkyi as representatives of TCV School Gopalpur.
On the day of exhibition of school-wise artwork, Sikyong Lobsang Sangye along with other CTA dignitaries inaugurated the function and minute details of every school work was inspected and Sikyong was especially happy with our students’ artwork and showered his words of appreciation which makes TCV Gopalpur proud and there was a sense of satisfaction among the concerned students and teacher in charge Gen. Sechung la. During the exhibition of artwork, officials from CTA and other onlookers were showing eagerness of buying our school’s products despite rejection.
 In a nutshell, the art and craft work done by our students with teacher in charge has not only brought laurels to TCV School Gopalpur but also became a master piece for other Tibetan schools.

The Dalai Lama The Story That Always Touches My Heart’

Lhamo Dhondup, two year old boy from Taktser was recognized as the reincarnation of the previous Dalai Lama. He enrolled to monastic education at the tender age of six. Since then he became the hope and promise of the future Tibet, yet the impending tragedies and heart rending news  awaits him.
At the age of sixteen, he had to take the political and spiritual responsibility of an entire nation on account of advancing people’s liberation army in Tibetan area. There were prevalence of atrocities, houses were looted and razed to the ground and Tibetans were being killed with advancing Chinese. Despite, his young age, he managed to curb further escalation of violence in Tibet. He sent his delegates to Beijing to resolve the Tibet’s issue but in vain. Sadly, Beijing forced Tibetan delegates to sign the most unpopular ’17 point agreement’ without the prior knowledge and consent of His Holiness, who was the supreme ruler of Tibet then. The 17 point agreement asserted Beijing’s legitimacy to rule Tibet and arbitrarily made Tibet a part of china.
But still, His Holiness tried to work in accordance with the 17 point agreement which promised peace and stability in Tibet in order to save Tibetans from the notorious Chinese armies. But there were no sign of improvement in Tibet. However, violence escalated day by day in many parts of the country and Chinese brutally crackdown the popular mass uprising at the capital Lhasa in 1959.
Finally, there were rumors of Chinese plot of assassinate His Holiness on the night of March 9, 1959. His Holiness disguised himself as a layman, escaped to India along with thousands of his countrymen.
When he arrived in India, he gave first priority to the construction of schools for young Tibetans who came to India. He knew that Today’s children are the leaders of Tomorrow. Schools and Tibetan children in exile were nurtured under his utmost care. He established Tibetan government in exile and advocated democratic form of govt. where there are representations from commoners. Since then, the Tibetan exile government came into being and now functioning smoothly under his guidance.
He also advocated non-violence and middle way approach to resolve the Tibetan issue. He constantly reiterated that Tibet is not seeking independence of separation from mainland china and we are willing for genuine autonomy for the whole region of Tibet. With his liberal and realistic advocacy, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize; he continues to work for the well being of people of the world.
In 2011, there was major change in Tibetan political system; he entirely devolved his political responsibility to a democratically elected leader with a vision that Tibetan issue should sustain and remain even after his life. Not only politically He was popular and remarkable but also spiritually he is one of the worlds’ most sought masters of our time. He gives inspiring and beneficial talks on various topics including compassion, happiness and secular ethics. He worked hard to promote religious harmony in the world. He received many honorary degrees, titles and prestigious awards in recognition for his unwavering beliefs in non-violence and religious harmony.
This is the story of my leader which always touches my heart deeply. It always makes mew fee that I am grateful and thankful to His Holiness. His works and achievements are beyond my expression. I am writing his story as a symbolic reminder of his kindness towards not only to the Tibetans but to the whole sentient beings. More than 60 years of life, beginning from the age of sixteen, he took great care of his country and countrymen. He is the rarest of rare and the most valued and precious jewel on this earth.
Sonam Norbu XII C


Our life wears on with a normal lifestyle and a repeated schedule to follow on every day. Well, something the majority of the world population was supposed to live and had lived.
As a typical Tibetan student, our fate and time didn’t compel us to face the situation that any other refugee students at the other end of the world might be going through. Yet the undercover reality is that seldom of us are being oblivion enough to pay our homage and remember our iconic leader, the global peacemaker who has been making manual efforts to roll the wheel of our so called ‘normal life’ , HH the Dalai Lama.
It was in this remote region of the world, Amdo in Tibet that the soul of peace was brought about. And start of the unpredicted mission of global peace presided over. By the disguise evil invasion of Tibet by Chinese army, he set out with a parental care towards his people with a longing to live in his own homeland. But when fate pushes the other way round, he moved along with thousands for the better of whole. He set out to resolve the cause of Tibet, did the undone things, thought the unthought ones and ignited minds and souls with a compassionate smile amidst the roar of grief, keeping the determination high made what the world is, today and forever.
His Holiness, you made the mark in history and developed the spirituality of this 21st century. You truly are a simple monk in purple robes and glasses well fit above your nose and then you do the magic of spreading inner euphoria throughout the world. Your acts are too gentle that very often make us think that the invasion of Tibet in a way could be for the good of many other countries of earth. It might well be the lord’s plan to expose you to the unawakened souls.
You have brought about kindness, compassion. Let the fact reveal this as a century of technological development but I suggest there are transformation in the lives of people and more than any kind of technological development or modernization. I feel the concepts of universal responsibility and many more, humanity is protruding out to a great extent. The world is in its form, calm and well composed, only with your presence. Not just a life but we owe the whole era to you.
With you alive, this planet is also breathing peace because you are bringing the oasis of universe …you are lot of things but what matters is what you are not.
And if the year 2014 is observed as a year of tribute, I confess that it’s not just a year of 365 days rather imbibed with all the 79 years journey of your life.
I pay my sincere homage to the man of a kind and wish to mention that every existence is indebted to you.
Because all in all, you the candle of the dark world.
Tenzin Norzom XI B

My Guru , My Lama

‘I am a simple monk’ this is what he says wherever he goes. Indeed he is simple monk born in a humble family in Tibet. He spent his childhood as any ordinary young lad, captured in his own innocent fantasy of games. But one day after months of inspection, he was recognized as the reincarnation of the 13th Dalai Lama, the highest lama of Tibet. From that onwards his life as a farmer’s son changed. He was whisked away to the Potala and officially declared as the 14th Dalai Lama.
Brought up in this second home away home, Potala and Norbulinga, he was taught and adorned with the responsibility of Tibet and its people. While other teenagers found it difficult to deal with their own teenage problems. He spent his teenage with burden which were way beyond his age. It wouldn’t be such a gigantic burden if our eatern neighbor was not playing the cloak and dagger. He was given the rein of a thriving nation at the age of 16. The Chinese liberation army crossed the long protected border and said that they came to liberate us. But from whom?
With such talk, the liberators they captured Tibet and made it a living hell. HH the 14th Dalai Lama lost his authority and could not bear the pressure from the red Chinese. So, in 1959, he came into exile and in this foreign land, he built monasteries, schools and refugee camps for the newly arrivals. He established Tibetans administration, nurtured us as children, guided us through difficult moments until we stand on our own feet. The administration in exile is working well under his guidance. After his retirement, the first Sikyong was elected through democratic process. After his retirement he works for world peace and harmony he raised the issue of Tibet wherever he goes. He makes big difference on the people’s way of thinking as well as their way of life. He has busy schedule because in the world of materialistic, people crave for happiness and peace. There is only leader who says, I am a simple monk yet makes so much difference. He is my Guru, My Lama. I thank my guru for shaping my life and being the most inspirational leader for us. We should always realize how lucky we are to have such a loving and caring leader. I am proud to be a Tibetan and will always be because of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
Tenzin Tso X D

What Is A Soul To A Man Is What His Holiness To Us

With a quote, ‘if you speak, it will only be heard in the corridor and down stairs for few seconds, but if you write it will be there for decades and centuries. I want to pay my tribute to His Holiness as a champion of peace and compassion. His Holiness was born on July 6, 1935 to a Holy Father Choekyong Tsering and pious mother Diki Tsering at a place called Amdo in Tibet. After having recognized as the true incarnation of previous Dalai Lama, he was taken to Lhasa for education. Even as a child, he showed compassion, love, care and kindness to people. At the age of 16, the Chinese started invading Tibet and had to leave his motherland Tibet and came into exile in 1959. His effort and hard work make Tibetans lives in exile easy and comfortable. To provide education to the Tibetan children, he got started schools in exile because he thinks of saving Tibet’s language and culture and tradition. The early Tibetan arrivals faced numerous problems such as change in temperature, economically they had nothing. His Holiness has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989 as his campaign of non-violence, peace and harmony among different communities. Now he is regarded as an international leader all over the world. We Tibetans feel so fortunate to be Tibetans under the leadership of His Holiness the Dalai Lama who has spent his entire life for the sake of peace and promotion of non-violence. We will never forget you and always keep you in our hearts until our hearts stop beating. You contributed your life toward us and we all will contribute each of our individual life for you because you made this difference in our world. I dedicate this little words;
Above all the leaders in the world
The most precious of all the treasure,
The light which guided us up here,
To you, we bow with respect and pleasure,
You are Gyalwa Rinpoche.
You are father of kindness,
You are king of peace,
You are the true meaning of compassion,
The symbol of snowland
You are Yeshi Norbu,
You are flower that smells pleasant
To anyone who erushes it you are Tenzin Gyatso
You are so much more
Than you can see,
You are so much more
Than you think you are
You are so much more
Than you have heard of yourself
You are His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama.
His Holiness has reached 79 years of age and still residing in exile. No matter how dark is the tunnel, there is light at the end. This is what we learnt from him that hope for the best and prepare from the worst. He is the only hope for us. So it is certain that Tibet will be free soon. Long live His Holiness and May he come back to where he belongs. THANK YOU GYALWA RINPOCHE for everything you did for us!!!

Tenzin Topden IX D

Tributes Paid To His Holiness The Dalai Lama

Somehow our native land is overcast by the solidarity from the start of 20th century. His Holiness the 13th Dalai Lama tried hard and let us mingle with other foreign countries. However, we denied. His Holiness was passed away with disappointment. His holiness the 14th Dalai Lama known as Lhamo Dhondup was born on 6th July 1935 in a decent family of Amdo, Takster. His mother gave birth to 16 children, of which 9 died in their early ages. His parents were religious and honest. Lhamo was recognized as the reincarnation of 13th Dalai Lama at the age of two through prediction and many good omens. He and his family shifted to Lhasa, the capital of then independent Tibet. He received science and political education from his tutors and sometimes he gets beaten by his tutors as his tutors were serious. He sometimes feel bad but not now.
Chinese armies began to occupy our natural beauty. Six million people prayed and wished for His Holiness to lead Tibet in the time crisis and he fulfilled them by taking full responsibilities of Tibet and its people at the age of sixteen. As a teen it was hard task. We students can’t even take a small responsibility of our school but he took the responsibility of whole country and ended up as the best leader so far. In 1959he and his fellowmen escaped to India an took refuge. He thought that our country should unite. When Nehru suggested that Tibetan children could be distributed to the hundred schools of India. Thinking education is the root to success he built several schools and camps first. Only after that the monasteries were established as we believe the religion is very important to our people and our land. Every day and night, he travels here and there and let know the people of world about our country Tibet. He is the one who brings happiness to those orphans, giving them homes, food and most of all love and care. It is hard for us to depart from our country but he covers it up with all facilities and loving care. He deserves our heartfelt gratitude.
He believes that this 21st century to be a peaceful and caring century. And non-violence is the only way. He advises all the people that if you can’t help others but at least don’t harm them and that we should have developed this moral values. He always says, ‘a man with moral values and education is surely to become a great person’. Those who lack moral values will become a bad leader. He always calls himself as a simple monk but in reality he is truly someone else. “HAPPY BIRTH DAY TO HIS HOLINESS”. Thank you so much for your wondrous work.
Tsering Yangchen VIII D

The Compassionate One (His Holiness)

There may be lots of leaders in the globe but there’s no such spiritual leader that can even hope to match with him. He is the man of great intelligence, charm and kindness. Due to kindness and compassion to all the people he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989. Our spiritual leader is none other than His Holiness the Dalai Lama (Tenzin Gyatso)
Tenzin Gyatso was born in 1935 to a farming family in the Amdo Province. He is the world’s foremost Buddhist leader, and lives in exile in northern India and works tirelessly on behalf of the Tibetan people as   well as travelling around the world to give spiritual teaching on peace and compassion.
His Holiness was done so much for the Tibetans and became the leader of Tibet in 1940 even though he was too young. When he tried to change the system from monarchical to democratic, some ministers argued with him because if the new system comes into practice they will not be the ministers forever. In 1959, Chinese destroyed many monasteries and temples. Chinese made the heaven like country Tibet into like hell. So His Holiness came into exile along with some thousands of Tibetans. They didn’t have anything, no place to live, no food to eat etc. The Tibetan refugees worked as roadside labors and their children were taken care of by His Holiness and housed them in temporarily built schools. Today His Holiness remains the focus of Tibetans’ hope everywhere. He has truly become an international figure not as other exile leader who uses weapons. But his holiness preaches compassion and peace for all people. We Tibetans remain indebted towards him. Lastly I would like to Thank Him and pray for His ‘Long Life’
Johnu Jangpo (VII D)

The 79th Birth Day Celebration

Along with the official celebration of the 79th birthday of the Tibetan leader His Holiness at the Tsuglakhang, Tibetan Children’s Village School Gopalpur had held celebration in the school as well. The birthday celebration of His Holiness the Dalai Lama has been a momentous marker in the Tibetan history. Tibetans and supporters of Tibet across the world join in the celebration. For Tibetans throughout the world, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama’s birthday is one of the most important and auspicious occasions in a year and is normally marked by elaborate celebrations in traditional Tibetan way. A day before the occasion, the management committee members resolved to have organized a special program on His Holiness Birthday. As per resolution, on the appointed day, two of the members of Management Committee have visited butchery and bought two sheep in order for saving lives of the sheep on this auspicious day. Besides saving lives of two sheep, 27 caged birds were bought to be released from their captivity on the same day.
On July 6, the official program began at 7.30 a.m. with holding of a special prayer (Sangsol) near school stupa for the longevity of His Holiness life. At 9.30 a.m. students and staff members in their best traditional attire got assembled in the school hall for the second round of official function.

Geshe Lhakdor la, the Director Tibetan Library and Archive, was invited as the guest of honor for the day. The program got started with singing of song of tribute ༼དྲུག་ཅུའི་དབྱངས་ལྡན།༽ by students. A group of students have staged a short skit on His Holiness contributions toward genuine cause of Tibet and the world at large. Staging skit was a part of tribute being paid to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, as the year 2014 has been dedicated to Him as a ‘Year of Gratitude’ for his marvelous and wondrous work for promotion of peace, spreading the message of non-violence, religious harmony amongst the diverse communities of the world. After the function, the chief guest released the birds from the cage as a mark of freedom being given from captivity. Thereafter, the guest of honor has once been requested to plant a seedling. The program got ended with singing of Tibetan national anthem.