Wednesday 15 October 2014

Gandhi Jayanti Celebration

Gandhi Jayanti is celebrated yearly on 2 October. It is one of the three official declared national holidays of India, observed in all states. The other two are Independence Day and Republic Day. Gandhi Jayanti is observed every year as a national holiday to commemorate the birth of Mahatma Gandhi (October 2, 1869 – January 30, 1948) His non-violence continues to influence people across the world till date. Gandhi’s birthday celebration is not only restricted within India but also observed by the United Nations as the ‘International Day of non-violence’ that aims to disseminate his philosophy, principle and believe in non-violence through proper education and public awareness.  Gandhi Jayanti celebration is also to relive Mahatma Gandhi’s life and his contribution in India’s independence and also his role as an architect of Indian Independence. Here too in the Tibetan Children’s Village School Gopalpur we the students and staff members marked the day’s significance with holding of marathon race among the four houses. The marathon race is one of the mega events of the school and the race got kicked off at 8.30 A.M, there were 160 contestants in all. There were five divisions namely junior boys, inter boys, senior boy, inter girls and senior girls. The individual standings are as follow. Master Tenzin Tashi of Songsten house = First position (junior boys’ division)
Miss Dechen of Triral = First position (inter girls’ division)
Master Thinley Rabten of Trisong = First position (inter boys’ division)
Master Tsering Tenzin of Triral = First position (senior boys’ division)
Miss. Choezom of Triral = First position (senior girls’ division)

Inter-House English Extempore Debate

The second inter-house English extempore debate was held among the four houses as per school calendar on October 1, evening under the supervision of English Department. There were three participants from each house to represent their respective houses. The first speaker has to describe the topic which was drawn from the lot, after having given them three minutes of time to garner points either to speak for or against the motion. The second speaker was to present his or her team’s view points on the topic and the third speaker has to conclude the debate within the time frame. The topics chosen from the draw of lot were as follow;

1.    Your kids require you to love them for who they are not for who they should be
2.    Character contributes to beauty
3.    Do not train a child to learn by force but by his/her interest
4.    Children’s behavior is derived from Adults’ behavior.
The best and individual debater from the second round inter-house for the year 2014 goes to Miss. Tenzin Choezom of XII A and followed by Mr. Lobsang Dawa XI D and Miss. Tenzin Norzom of XI D in second and third place respectively.
The house-wise standing in the second inter-house English debate is Trisong with first position and followed by Nyatri, Triral and Songsten houses. The winning teams are given away prizes by the school principal.

Tibetan Book Review And Sharing Presentation

Members of Tibetan Department of the Tibetan Children’s Village School Gopalpur Read, Reviewed and made  Presentation of the book ༼དུས་རབས་ཀྱི་རྔ་སྒྲ༽ written by Khenchen Tsultrim Lodoe, who by profession has been a teacher for a long period of time to our teachers of all the three sections; Senior, Junior and Infant sections on Saturday, September 20, 2014 after the school hour in the auditorium in presence of Mr. Wangdue (Head of Teacher Professional Development based at upper TCV School, Dharamsala). The year 2014 was earmarked for Professional Growth Plan of individual teachers (PGP) and Teacher Professional Development (TPD) in eleven pilot schools by the Department of Education under the initiation of Gen. Kalsang Wangdue la and sponsored by the Tibet Fund and the USAID. It is hoped that the new paradigms in teacher professional development which emphasize teacher-led, collaborative, continuous and school based interventions will bring substantial and long-term improvement in teachers’ class room practice in the Tibetan schools in the years ahead.
The book is filled with advice based on author’s years of teaching experiences and it is divided into six parts along the major lines of coherence. Each part of the book is presented by different members of the Tibetan Department ༼དུས་རབས་ཀྱི་རྔ་སྒྲ༽ དགེ་རྒན་གྱི་བསླབ་བྱ་ ༼སྟོད་ཆ༽
    དགེ་རྒན་གྱི་བཀུར་བའི་བསམ་བློ།
    དགེ་རྒན་གྱི་བྱ་བའི་རིན་ཐང།
    དགེ་རྒན་གྱི་ཕན་ནུས།
    དགེ་རྒན་གྱི་འགན་ཁྲི།
    སློབ་མ་བྱམས་པས་སྐྱོང་ཚུལ།
    མི་རིགས་ཀྱི་ཕུགས་འདུན་སྒྲུབ་པའི་སློབ་གསོ་གཏོང་རྒྱུ།
The book review and sharing in our school is the first in its kind and a giant leap forward towards the teachers’ professional development in our exile school community in the long term. Through such initiative, teachers are compelled to think of their divine responsibility in the making and shaping of our future citizens.
At the end Mr. Wangdue introduced the new website which was recently inaugurated on Teachers’ Day, September 5, 2014 at Nyatri Tsokhang by Thupten Ngodup, the Secretary, Department of Education (CTA) for further information and improvement in the teacher professional development.

Inter-House Tibetan Debate

The second inter-house Tibetan Debate was held on the evening of Thursday, September 18 under the supervision of Tibetan Department. There were three participants from each house (Nyatri, Songsten, Trisong and Triral) and the first speaker has to define the topic, second speaker was to speak either for or against the motion and the third speaker was to conclude the topic within the time bound. Students were given practice to present their topic on extempore basis and they were given some time to ponder on the topics. Each house gets the topic through the draw of lot. The speakers of the second inter-house debate spoke on the following topics;

Master Tashi Gyatso was adjudged as the best debater from the second round of inter-house debate. The winning teams’ standings are as follow; In the first position we have Songsten house with 109.5 points, followed by Nyatri house with 100.5, Triral house with 86 points and Trisong house with 82 points. The individual and house winners were given prizes by Gen. Kalsang Wangdue la, the Head for the Teachers’ Professional Development based at upper Tibetan Children’s Village School.

Lu Jong Teachings With Tulku Lobsang

Tulku Lobsang has paid visit to the Tibetan Children’s Village School Gopalpur on September 16, at 12 noon to apprise our students and staff members about Lu Jong (Tibetan healing Yoga).  Basically this Lu Jong program was initiated by the Department of Health (CTA) after Rinpoche having met our spiritual leader His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama who asked Rinpoche to go to Tibetan settlements across India and teach Lu Jong. Tulku Lobsang, the 8th incarnation of the Nyentse Tulku, a Buddhist master, doctor and astrologer keeps this wisdom alive by sharing it with all. Rinpoche has been teaching methods how to live physically and mentally healthy with happiness and develop our mind. He has been an extraordinary teacher whose remarkable abilities enabled him to reach wide varied audiences and revive the innate wisdom that always exists in each one of us. He has been organizing workshops; lectures, retreats, and consultations are offered in different parts of the world.
According to Tulku Lobsang, everybody in this world pursues for happiness and this could be accomplished through falling in love, no matter what kind of person you are or what kind of religion you believe in. Falling in love is the only way to make yourself happy. Once you achieve ‘Happiness’ your life makes sense and meaningful. Rinpoche has been associated with Nangten Menlang organization which works for preservation and teaching of Tibetan medical science and Buddhist knowledge. Rinpoche made distribution of two CDs to each and everyone who were present in the Lu Jong program for further information and individual practices in the coming days, months and years.

Tibetan Drama By IX Students

The students of IX grade staged a Tibetan drama on September 14, Sunday evening. Knowing the year 2014 as the year of gratitude being paid to our spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama for his untiring and unwavering campaign for the genuine cause of Tibet and promotion of peace in the world, the theme of their drama was also based on Tibet’s occupation and how the Tibetans brave out against all odds. They tried to show the difference between students of yester years and contemporary students.  Students in the contemporary period do not make full utilization of their potential, opportunities and with wide ranging facilities available to them while students in the past have left no stone unturned with their limited resources. There is urgency to do something from all corners to get revitalized and rejuvenate the declining standard in the education arena

Tibetan Calligraphy Exhibition By Jamyang Dorjee Chakrishar

Tibetan Calligraphy Exhibition by Jamyang Dorjee Chakrishar
Jamyang Dorjee Chakrishar, ex-Director of Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts came to the TCV School Gopalpur on September 9, Tuesday to exhibit his extra-ordinary work and skill in the field of Tibetan Calligraphy which set a New Guineas’ Book of World Records. He is the first Tibetan whose name got enlisted in the golden page of Guineas’ book by writing Tibetan calligraphy 163.2 meters long within six months. He told his story of his journey into Tibetan calligraphy to the students and staff members. His Tibetan calligraphy mainly comprised of prayers for His Holiness the Dalai Lama written by 35 great spiritual masters. It was written on Lokta Tibetan handmade paper. Tibetan calligraphy was written in different styles like Tsugring, Tsugthung, Tsugma Kyug and Kyug using 65,000 Tibetan characters. He also let us know that Thonmi’s Sambota’s script are still active and being used in three provinces of Tibet, Mongolia, Ladakh to Arunachal Pradesh, Drachula to Taplejung, Bhutan, and Russian States of Khalmuk, Tuva, Buriat.  Furthermore, he said that the existence of writing system before Thonmi Sambota cannot be ruled out. Communication system may have been in existence during the 37 Shanshung Emperors of Tibet. The 7th century was regarded as the golden period in the Tibetan history as the 33rd King Songsten Gampo ruled Tibet and during his reign Thonmi was sent to India to learn and device Tibetan script. Thonmi devised the Tibetan script from Dev Nagari and Pali scripts and thereafter many Dharma texts were translated into local language. Tibetan script flourished for long period of time until the disintegration of Tibet after the assassination of Lang Dharma. Tibetan spiritual master Drogon Chogyal Phagpa was invited by the emperor of China to develop a script for them in the 12th century. Thus Horyig (Mongol Script) was born. There was rejuvenation of Tibetan script when Gaden Phodrang was established by the 5th Dalai Lama in the 16th century. Government of Tibet focused on developing of inner science and Buddha dharma. Mr. Dorjee further informed us that Tibetan calligraphy has the quality of vibrant positive energy. He encouraged students to pay attention to one’s own scripts which face negligence in the diverse culture and needs protection and preservation.  The following portrait of Lord Buddha has been skillfully drawn by using different  Tibetan calligraphy styles by Jamyang Dorjee la and this is creativity exhibited by him.

Social Science Quiz

The first round of social science quiz was held under the initiative of Arts Department headed by
Mr. Lhakpa Dhondup la and its members. There were five teams named after five different elements such as Team Earth, Team Air, Team Fire, Team Sky and Team Water. Social Science quiz was centered on topics as follow;
1.    General Round
2.    Tibetan Charter
3.    Sports
4.    Tibetan History
5.    Audiio & Visual Round.
Each team comprised of students from X through XII and each member of Arts Department took the quiz on different subject matters. Gen. Samten la posed questions to the students from Tibetan Charter, Gen. Sonam Dolma asked questions from current affairs, Gen. Sonam Wangmo from Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), Gen. Tashi Choden from Sports and final round of quiz was on Audio visual which was taken up by gen. Tsering Topgyal.