Saturday 25 November 2017

Career Week

Owing to tight school schedule this year we have manage to observe four days as career week, starting from 15th November 2017 to 18th November.  Main aim of organizing such program is to create mass awareness and at the same time lets student know the art of research. So from 15th November onward we have class wise career presentation during morning assembly. So the class presentation lasted till 17th November and on final day that is on 18th November we have invited few professional to give professional talk and it proves to be very effective and motivational for all the students.  We have around six professional including writers, journalist, film maker, researcher, lawyer and a Tibetan Doctor. They shared their life story focusing their journey of becoming what they are today during morning assembly to all the students and staff. 

Friday 17 November 2017

Children’s Day Celebrated

Children's Day was celebrated at TCV, Gopalpur on 14th November - 2017. During the day all the Teaching, Non-Teaching & Parents have performed their best. children have enjoyed and had a memorable day. they also involved themselves in different games.

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Class XI English Drama

Class XI English Drama was of forty minutes based on the Moral Value story from the book footsteps. The play is titled as “The Bus Stop” containing 8 moral acts. There are thirty eight students participated including the Artist and stage decorators.

All the characters performed very well.