Friday 25 July 2014

Inter-House Cultural Competition

One of the aims and objectives of Tibetan Children’s Villages is to develop a sound understanding of Tibetan identity and culture among the Tibetan students under its care. Holding of such mega event in TCV schools with involvement of large number of students is to let them cherish the richness of Tibetan cultural heritage and help students hold on with our Tibetan identity and culture in the midst of modernization. There is lurking fear that the Tibetan youngsters are getting influenced from cross culture of different nations and adoption of Tibetan Diasporas citizenship of different nations over the years.  Tibetans inside Tibet do not have the right to culture, right to education, right to speech etc, under the Communist Chinese Rule despite the international pressure. Chinese government denies the basic human rights to our brothers and sisters in Tibet and Tibetan culture is on the verge of extinction and dying out now in Tibet. The younger Tibetans are not well acquainted with our culture as they have no access to Tibetan religion and culture and moreover Chinese language is enforced on them (Tibetans) and knowledge of Chinese language has been made mandatory for finding any kind of job placement in Tibet. As a matter of fact, Tibetans in their own homeland Tibet have become minority and our culture has been marginalized. Now it is of prime importance that youngsters in exile have huge responsibility to preserve and promote our culture and appreciate the rich cultural heritage. With these objectives in mind, the games and sports committee of the school has organized inter-house culture competition on June 28, 2014.

To grace the occasion, we have invited Rev. Kirti Rinpoche to be our guest of honor on the night of the competition. Prior to competition, house masters have explored and studied the different regional songs and dances of Tibet before being taught to the students. Students and house masters have spent day in and day out to practice the songs and dances to reach the level of excellence and perfection. Finally the day has come for students to exhibit their talents on June 28. After the competition, the result is declared and the winners were awarded by the chief guest. The first position is bagged by Nyatri House, followed by Trisong house, Songsten house and Triral house. Having done prize distribution to the winning houses, the guest of honor was requested to give a speech of his impression on the inter-house cultural competition. Thereafter, the chairman of games and sports committee gave the word of thanks and the program ended with singing of Tibetan national anthem.

Legal Talk By Tenzin Lhundup

To bring awareness among the staff members of Tibetan Children’s Village School Gopalpur, the Management Committee after much deliberation in a series of its meeting, ultimately resolved to invite a legal expert to give a legal talk on Child right and protection from Sexual Abuse to our staff members. As a preventive measure and to get well acquainted with the legal actions to be taken by court if someone is found guilty with such criminal action while in the school. Mr. Tenzin Lhundup was a former student of upper TCV School and has graciously accepted our invitation for the legal talk. He came to the school on the appointed day and began his talk on Child Abuse and made us aware of varied legal actions taken by the Special Court for child under 16 years of age under the ‘Child Protection Act’ which has recently be amended in the Indian Penal Court. For better understanding of legal action, he cited many examples of that he came across while practicing his law in the court. He too shared some of his cases in point as examples for making his points clear to all. Finally, he urged each and every staff member who has dealing with students should take note of one’s responsibility and be accountable when caught with such act. He also informed the school authorities to lodge a report instantly to the police when such incident occurs in the school, lest the school authorities are also liable for imprisonment provided the authorities know about the incident and do not report it to the local police station.

Career Talk By Choezom Tsering

As a part of career related program initiated by DoE, the career counselor of Upper Tibetan Children’s Village School Madam Choezom Tsering  has come to our school for career guidance and counseling for XI and XII graders on June 30. Students were given information on different careers after the completion of class XII board examination. Before choosing a career, she asked students to know yourself.. Knowing oneself is one important determining factor for a career option. After realizing one’s own potentiality and strengths, one can make a good and right decision in his/her life. Mrs. Choezom gave talks on different career options such as Beauty Care, Economics, air hostess, event manager, business management, cinematography, cartography, anthropology, archaeology etc.

A Talk By Professor Samdong Rinpoche

Rev. Samdong Rinpoche has been requested by the ‘Private Office’ to go to three plus two TCV schools to clarify the confusion and doubts of students that emerged during the talk given by Sikyong and Chair person of ATPD . Many students posted questions to the Sikyong and the Chairperson of ‘Assembly of Tibetan People’s Deputies’ regarding Dolgyal propitiators. It seems that many students didn’t get answers to their questions asked during the June teaching from Sikyong and the Chairman of ATPD. Rinpoche has given us to understand that none of the Dolgyal propitiators have faced discrimination from the Central Tibetan Administration and general Tibetans; rather the CTA has given equal status to all Tibetans. The CTA has neither denied them their religious freedom nor obstructed their rights to live in India and travel abroad. Despite this well known fact, groups associated with Dolgyal propitiation persist with baseless allegations that Tibetans who are Dolgyal followers are discriminated against in their access to education, health care and other social services. Rinpoche talks about non-cooperation and social boycott are individual matters and they are not sponsored by the Central Tibetan Administration. Every individual has the right to use non-cooperation and social boycott against Dolgyal groups. These two instruments were effectively used by the great Indian leader – Mahatma Gandhi against the British Raj during the colonial period. The use of individual non-cooperation and social boycott against Dolgyal groups is an individual matter and no one can stop it from using these tools. Furthermore, Rinpoche said that Dolgyal groups and their agents pose serious threat to the security of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and unity of the Tibetan people at large. Many of our students expressed their satisfaction on the explanation and answers provided to their questions from Rinpoche.

Poetry Recitation By Phakal Danglang

Tibetan language preservation Sclub members (Phakal Danglang) for preserving Tibetan language, have organized individual poetry recitation competition on June 17 in connection with a Tribute being paid to  His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama for his tremendous contribution for the genuine cause of Tibet in particular and World Peace at large in general. The guest of honor for the competition was a member from ‘Assembly of Tibetan People’s Deputies’ – Ringwo Geshe Lobsang Nyendrak. The chief guest was accompanied by two eminent Tibetans namely Arik Gyurmey la, a renowned writer in Tibetan community in exile and an ex-political prisoner of conscience Rev. Bakto la. The essence of holding such competition in our school is to let our students know about the richness of poetries in our heritage and deterioration of poetry composition and recitation in the contemporary Tibetan society especially among the 21st century Tibetan students. As the year 2014 is dedicated to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and Tibetans across the world express our gratitude for His tremendous work for the Tibetan cause, the title for the competition was kept as ༼༧རྒྱལ་བའི་བཀའ་དྲིན་རྗེས་དྲན༽
Prior to the contest, Master Shawo Dorjee introduced the judges and another member of Phakal Danglang master Sangye Dhondup gave a brief introduction on aims and objectives of founding of Phakal Danglang in TCV School Gopalpur. Thereafter, Master Lobsang Dawa gave an exemplary poetry recitation and then the actual individual poetry recitation competition got kicked off. The first position was taken by Tenzin Lobsang of XI, second position was bagged by Tsetan Wangchuk of class IX and third position went to Penpa Bhuti of class XI. The winners were awarded and followed by speech from the chief guest. Lastly Master Tashi Gyatso gave the vote of thanks.

Saka Dawa

The fourth month of the Tibetan calendar is called “Saka Dawa”. ‘Saka’ is the name of one of the 28 major stars tracked in Tibetan astrology. ‘Dawa’ means ‘month’ in Tibetan. Saka Dawa is probably one of the most influential and holiest months for Tibetans. Saka Dawa is the special month in which the Buddha’s conception, birth, enlightenment and parinirvana (Death) all occur. The 15th day of the fourth month of Tibetan calendar marks the holiest day in Tibetan Buddhism. On this day, Tibetans consider and believe to perform meritorious activities. The devotees lit lamps, candles and incense sticks before a huge statue of Lord Buddha. They (Buddhists) do pious deeds and distribute food and give alms to beggars. People are also seen donating money as it is believed that good deeds earned in this month are rewarded 100,000/ folds. Tibetans in family perform varied rituals such as reading of religious scriptures, keeping fast, doing meditation and avoidance of speaking for 24 hrs to anyone etc. Buddhists in general and Tibetans in particular prefer to go for vegetarianism rather than non-vegetarianism for the whole month. During the ‘Saka Dawa’ month, the cultural committee of the school organized two day ‘Kagyur Reading’, the teaching of Lord Buddha in textual form. Students from class VII through XII along with staff members sat for reading of holy scripts. On June 12, students were sent for second Saturday outing as the next day is the full moon day or 15th day of the fourth month.


རང་རེའི་སློབ་མ་རྣམས་ལ་དབྱིན་ཇིའི་སྐད་ཡིག་ཕྱུག་བསྒྱུར་ཡོང་ཆེད་འཛིན་དགེ་དང༌། དབྱིན་དགེའི་འགན་འཁུར་འོག་དབྱིན་ཇིའི་གཞས་དང༌། སྙན་ཚིག་རེས་མོས་ཀྱིས་ལོ་ལྟར་འགྲན་བསྡུར་བྱེད་མུས་ལྟར། འདི་ལོར་ཡང་ཕྱི་ཟླ་༦ ཚེས་༦ དགོང་དྲོ་ཛིན་གྲྭ་ནང་ཁུལ་དབྱིན་ཇིའི་གཞས་སྣ་འགྲན་བསྡུར་གནད་སྨིན་ཞུ་ཐུབ་པ་བྱུང་ཡོད།


འདི་ལོར་ཡང་ཕྱི་ཟླ་ ཚེས་༢༢ ཉིན་རང་རེའི་སློབ་མ་རྣམས་ངག་གི་སྨྲ་བརྗོད་ནུས་རྩལ་མཐོར་འདེགས་སུ་འགྲོ་ཆེད་བོད་སྐད་ངག་རྩལ་འགྲན་བསྡུར་ཐེངས་གཅིག་བྱས་ཡོད། དེ་ཡང་བོད་དགེ་རྣམས་ཀྱིས་འགན་འཁུར་རྐང་བཞེས་ཀྱིས་བདུན་ཕྲག་གསུམ་གྱི་གོང་ནས་སྙན་ཚིག་དང༌། གསུང་བཤད། གཏམ་བརྗོད་བཅས་བརྗོད་གཞི་གསུམ་གྱི་ཐོག་སློབ་མ་ཡོངས་ལ་འཛུལ་བཞུགས་ཆེད་སྦྱོང་གི་གོ་སྐབས་ཕུལ་རྗེས། དེ་དག་གི་ཁྲོད་ནས་སློབ་མ་རྩེ་ཕུད་༡༥ བདམས་ནས་བོད་སྐད་ངག་རྩལ་ལས་འགུལ་སྔར་ལྷག་སྤེལ་ཐུབ་པ་བྱུང་ཡོད།

༢༠༡༤ ལོའི་གོ་པུར་སློབ་ཆུང་གི་བོད་ལྗོངས་ང་ཚོའི་ཕ་ཡུལ་གྱི་ལས་འཆར།

འཛིན་གྲྭ་     དང་པོ་ནས་དྲུག་པ་བར་དང་གོ་སྐབས་བཅས་ཁག་བདུན་ཡོད།
སློབ་མ་བསྡོམས་གྲངས།    ༣༥༥
ལས་འཆར་བརྗོད་གཞི།     འདི་ལོའི་ལས་འཆར་གྱི་བརྗོད་གཞི་ནི། འདི་ལོའི་ལས་འཆར་སྤེལ་ཕྱོགས་ནི་སྔར་ལོའི་ལས་འཆར་གྱི་བསྒྲུབས་འབྲས་ལ་གཞིགས་ཏེ་སྔར་དང་གཅིག་མཚུངས་སྤེལ་ན་དགེ་མཚན་ཡོད་སྐོར་གྱི་དགོངས་འཆར་བྱུང་ཡོད། དེར་བརྟེན་འཛིན་རིམ་བཞི་པ་ནས་དྲུག་པ་བར། ཕ་མེས་ཡབ་མེས་ནས་བརྒྱུད་བའི་བོད་མི་རིགས་ཀྱི་སྲོལ་བཟང་རྐང་བྲོ་གླུ་གར་གྱི་འཁྲབ་སྲོལ་རྒྱ་མཚོ་ལྟར་གཏིང་ཟབ་ལ་མཐའ་ཡས་པ་ཞིག་ཡོད་ཁོངས་ནས་འཁྲབ་གཞས་ཆེད་འདེམས་བྱས་ཡོད།
    དེ་བཞིན་འཛིན་རིམ་དང་པོ་ནས་གསུམ་བར་དང་། གོ་སྐབས་བཅས་ལ་བོད་ཡིག་གི་ཡིག་གཟུགས་འབྱོང་པོ་ཡོང་
དགོས་དམིགས།  རང་རེའི་སློབ་མ་རྣམས་ལ་རང་མི་རིགས་ཀྱི་ཐུན་མོང་མ་ཡིན་པའི་འཁྲབ་གཞས་ཀྱི་འཁྲབ་འཁྱེར་འཁྲབ་ལུགས་དང།  རང་སྐད་ཡིག་གི་ཡིག་གཟུགས་བྲིས་རིམ་དང་ཐིག་བར་གྱི་ཆ་ཚད་སོགས་ཀྱི་ཁྱད་ཡོན་ལ་ངེས་པ་གསར་པ་ཞིག་བརྙེད་ཐུབ་པ་བཟོ་རྒྱུ་དེ་ཡིན།
ལས་འཆར་གྱི་རྒྱུད་རིམ།   དེ་ཡང་རང་ཅག་བོད་མི་རིགས་ཀྱི་ཐུན་མོང་མ་ཡིན་པའི་ཁྱད་འཕགས་ཀྱི་རིག་གཞུང་རྣམས་མ་ཉམས་རྒྱུན་འཛིན་དང་། ཉམས་པ་སླར་གསོའི་ཆེད། ལོ་རེ་བཞིན་བོད་ལྗོང་ང་ཚོའི་ཕ་ཡུལ་ཅེས། དམིགས་བསལ་ལས་འཆར་སྤེལ་པ་བཞིན། འདི་ལོར་ཕྱི་ཟླ་༤ པའི་ ཚེས་༡ ནས་མགོ་བཙུགས་ཏེ་འཛིན་དགེ་དང་བོད་དགེས་འགན་འཁུར་གཙོ་བཞེས་ཀྱིས་ཚོགས་ཐེངས་༧ ནམ་ཡིན་གྱི་ཕྱག་ཚོད་ཕྱེད་ཀའི་རིང་སློབ་མ་ཚོའི་ལས་འཆར་ཐོག་རོགས་སྐྱོར་ལམ་སྟོན་ཧུར་སྐྱེད་གནང་བ་བརྒྱུད། སློབ་མ་གསུམ་བརྒྱ་ལྷག་ཚང་མ། ལས་འཆར་དེའི་ཁོངས་སུ་འཛུལ་བཞུགས་ཐུབ་པ་དང།  སློབ་མ་རང་རང་གི་རིག་རྩལ་ཡོད་རྒུ་བེད་སྤྱོད་གཏོང་ཡུལ་ཞིག་ཏུ་གྱུར་ཐུབ་པ་བྱུང་ཡོད།
མཐའ་འབྲས།་   དུས་ཡུན་ཟླ་བ་གཅིག་རིང་དགེ་སློབ་ཟུང་འབྲེལ་གྱིས་སྦྱངས་པ་བྱས་ཏེ། ཕྱི་ཟླ་༥ ཚེས་༢ དང་༣ ཕྱི་དྲོ་ཕྱག་ཚོད་༧ ཐོག་ཤེས་རབ་འོད་སྣང་ཚོམས་ཆེན་ནང་སློབ་གྲྭ་ཆེ་ཆུང་གི་སློབ་མ་ཡོངས་དང། དགེ་ལས་ཡོངས་བཅས་ལ་ཚན་པ་སོ་སོ་བྱས་ཏེ་འཁྲབ་གཞས་ཁག་འཁྲབ་སྟོན་གཟིགས་འབུལ་བསྔགས་འོས་འཐུས་ཚང་ཞུ་ཐུབ་པ་བྱུང་ཡོད།