Friday 28 June 2013


Around 375 senior students from grade XI to XII got the golden opportunity to attend two days religious teaching by His Holiness the Dalai Lama from June 27-28 at TCV School Upper Dharamshala. The main teaching was on “opening the eyes of awareness”. His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s discourse was in the morning while afternoon students have attended the debating session with senior monks (Geshe) about various tenets of Buddhism. For all the students it was a great opportunity and helped a lot in their understanding of Buddhism. It was a great learning experience, thanks to the kind hospitality shown the host school and organization committee for such an arrangement.

Monday 24 June 2013

World Drug Day

International Day against Substance Abuse and Illicit Drug Tarfficking was observed in the Tibetan Children’s Village School Gopalpur under the initiative of Health club headed by Mr. Kalsang Tsewang with a group of students. The Theme for this year’s World Drug Day was on “Make health your new high in life, not drugs”. On the day of 24 June, during the morning assembly, the following students have given talks on various topics to bring awareness on different issues being faced in the contemporary societies with no exception of Tibetan society. Master Tsering Kalden of X P talked about the significance of the day. Master Phuntsok Wangdue from X P on ‘understanding substance abuse’, Miss Tsering Lhamo X P on ‘health effect’, Miss Dhekar of X B on ‘prevention’ and last speaker Miss Dolkar concluded the presentation. Master Sonam Dhargyal has organized Art competition in the school. During the long break the members of health club had shown a documentary movies related with substance abuse which brought a lasting impact on students’ mind. Along with documentary show, chart and poster displayed and brochures were distributed among the students and made them take pledge “No Drugs” and they will live a substance free life. They also carried out signature campaign and writing messages on canvas.

Saturday 22 June 2013

The summer fete

The school summer fete gets underway on 22 June 2013. Staff members of the school were to have different stalls set up for eating and entertainment of students. The opening ceremony was done by the village director Mr. Tsultrim la at 9 am sharp. The program lasted for whole day and by 4.30 pm the stalls were closed for the day and on the same evening; a game of tambola was organized in the school hall. Students from all classes and staff members took an active participation in the game of tambola. The money raised from the sale of eatables from the different stalls and tambola game is meant for purchasing school sports items. 

Monday 17 June 2013

Nyennag recitation

Students for language preservation organized Nyennag recitation on Monday 17 June, 2013. The program was graced by the guest of honor Rev. Kirti Rinpoche from Kirti monastery Dharamsala.. 15 students have taken part in the Nyennag recitation and competition. Three judges were invited to witness the competition and they were Mr. Sherap from political prisoner association, Mr. Sonam D Bhuchung, a freelance writer and poet and Miss. Sangmo, a contemporary Tibetan writer Dharamsala.

His Holiness Kirti Rinpoche after the program gave a speech on contemporary grave situation prevailing in Tibet. His reverence urged students to work harder as we are living in free country where you are provided with every basic and general facility required for a student. He further said, everyone should strive for achieving excellence in their work. Tibetans in Tibet are watching and awaiting us to free country Tibet from the bondage of the Red Communist China. In recent times we have been witnessing a number of self immolation being done by individual Tibetans to express their anger and desperation against the Chinese rule and to get justice, restore freedom of expression and fundamental human right, practice one’s own religion, etc. As Tibetan students are viewed as the future seeds of Tibet by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, we have huge responsibility to shoulder and try to come and go at par with modern world.

Thursday 13 June 2013

First Social Science Quiz

The Social Science Department of the school organized the first social science quiz for grade VII to IX students June 13, 2013. The quiz tests the students’ knowledge over the current affairs, and various academic disciplines of the social sciences such as history, political science, geography and economics. A new round was also added to test students on various facets of Tibetan history.