Tuesday 3 May 2016

Basket Ball Tournament 2

Basketball tournament:
From April 22 –April 28, inter-house basketball tournament was held under the guidance and supervision of the housemasters and games committee. Students from different classes representing the four houses played matches among three main divisions (VII & VIII, IX & X, and XI & XII) on the basis of their height and weight. The matches are played on three different courts. On court A, Miss. Pasang Tsamchoe, Mr. Dhondup Gyaltsen, Mr. Jigdel as table officials with Mr. Phurbu Tsering and Mr. Wangchuk as referees, on court B, we have Mr. Tsering Topgyal, Mrs. Tsering Lhamo and Mr. Sangpo as table officials with Mr. Dawa and Mr. Pema Thinley as referees, and on court C we have Mr. Tsering Phuntsok, Mr. Passang Tsering and Miss. Tsering Nyima with Mr. Phuntsok and Mr. Kunsang as referees. 
These games are considered important components of educational program through which we teach students; team work, team spirit, hard work, perseverance etc to make them well rounded besides academic scholarship. We inhibit the importance of winning and sense of competition rather we lay importance on fair play, exhibition of sportsmanship, acceptance of defeats and how to take on challenges in life through games and sports activities.