Wednesday 25 May 2016

Kagyur Reading

Buddhists celebrate many holidays and festivals and most of which commemorate important events in the life of the Buddha or Bodhisattvas. The dates of religious festivals are based on lunar calendar and joyful occasions. The fourth month of the Tibetan calendar is called “Saka Dawa”. ‘Saka’ is the name of one of the 28 major stars tracked in Tibetan astrology. ‘Dawa’ means ‘month’ in Tibetan. Saka Dawa is probably one of the most influential and holiest months for Tibetans. Saka Dawa is the special month in which the Buddha’s conception, birth, enlightenment and Parinirvana (Death) all occur. The 15th day of the fourth month of Tibetan calendar marks the holiest day in Tibetan Buddhism. Usually the festival day begins with a visit to the temple where one offers food to the beggars, items to the monks and listens to Dharma talk, and circumambulates the monasteries to earn merit for the next life.
Wisdom in the Buddhist context is the realization of the fundamental truths of life, basically the Four Noble Truths. The understanding of the Four Noble Truths provides us with a proper sense of purpose and direction in life. They form the basis of problem solving. The message of the Lord Buddha stands today as unaffected by time and the expansion of knowledge as when they were first enunciated. The teaching of the Buddha is open to all to study, see and judge for themselves. The universality of the teachings of the Lord Buddha has led one of the world’s greatest scientists – Albert Einstein to declare that if there is any religion that could cope with modern scientific needs, it would be Buddhism.
The teaching of Buddha became a great civilizing force in the contemporary world. It appeals to reason and freedom of thought, recognizing the dignity and potentiality of human mind. It calls for equality, fraternity and understanding, exhorting its followers to avoid evil, to do well and to purify their minds.
Students from classes VII through XII and staff members of Tibetan Children’s Village School Gopalpur assembled in the school hall for two day consecutively to read the Kagyur Text (teachings of lord Buddha) on May 19 & 20 and on May 21, Saturday special prayer was offered with presence of special invitees (eight monks from Gyuto Monastery). Everyone in the school feel blessed and satisfied.