Friday 25 July 2014

Inter-House Cultural Competition

One of the aims and objectives of Tibetan Children’s Villages is to develop a sound understanding of Tibetan identity and culture among the Tibetan students under its care. Holding of such mega event in TCV schools with involvement of large number of students is to let them cherish the richness of Tibetan cultural heritage and help students hold on with our Tibetan identity and culture in the midst of modernization. There is lurking fear that the Tibetan youngsters are getting influenced from cross culture of different nations and adoption of Tibetan Diasporas citizenship of different nations over the years.  Tibetans inside Tibet do not have the right to culture, right to education, right to speech etc, under the Communist Chinese Rule despite the international pressure. Chinese government denies the basic human rights to our brothers and sisters in Tibet and Tibetan culture is on the verge of extinction and dying out now in Tibet. The younger Tibetans are not well acquainted with our culture as they have no access to Tibetan religion and culture and moreover Chinese language is enforced on them (Tibetans) and knowledge of Chinese language has been made mandatory for finding any kind of job placement in Tibet. As a matter of fact, Tibetans in their own homeland Tibet have become minority and our culture has been marginalized. Now it is of prime importance that youngsters in exile have huge responsibility to preserve and promote our culture and appreciate the rich cultural heritage. With these objectives in mind, the games and sports committee of the school has organized inter-house culture competition on June 28, 2014.

To grace the occasion, we have invited Rev. Kirti Rinpoche to be our guest of honor on the night of the competition. Prior to competition, house masters have explored and studied the different regional songs and dances of Tibet before being taught to the students. Students and house masters have spent day in and day out to practice the songs and dances to reach the level of excellence and perfection. Finally the day has come for students to exhibit their talents on June 28. After the competition, the result is declared and the winners were awarded by the chief guest. The first position is bagged by Nyatri House, followed by Trisong house, Songsten house and Triral house. Having done prize distribution to the winning houses, the guest of honor was requested to give a speech of his impression on the inter-house cultural competition. Thereafter, the chairman of games and sports committee gave the word of thanks and the program ended with singing of Tibetan national anthem.