Friday 25 July 2014

Poetry Recitation By Phakal Danglang

Tibetan language preservation Sclub members (Phakal Danglang) for preserving Tibetan language, have organized individual poetry recitation competition on June 17 in connection with a Tribute being paid to  His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama for his tremendous contribution for the genuine cause of Tibet in particular and World Peace at large in general. The guest of honor for the competition was a member from ‘Assembly of Tibetan People’s Deputies’ – Ringwo Geshe Lobsang Nyendrak. The chief guest was accompanied by two eminent Tibetans namely Arik Gyurmey la, a renowned writer in Tibetan community in exile and an ex-political prisoner of conscience Rev. Bakto la. The essence of holding such competition in our school is to let our students know about the richness of poetries in our heritage and deterioration of poetry composition and recitation in the contemporary Tibetan society especially among the 21st century Tibetan students. As the year 2014 is dedicated to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and Tibetans across the world express our gratitude for His tremendous work for the Tibetan cause, the title for the competition was kept as ༼༧རྒྱལ་བའི་བཀའ་དྲིན་རྗེས་དྲན༽
Prior to the contest, Master Shawo Dorjee introduced the judges and another member of Phakal Danglang master Sangye Dhondup gave a brief introduction on aims and objectives of founding of Phakal Danglang in TCV School Gopalpur. Thereafter, Master Lobsang Dawa gave an exemplary poetry recitation and then the actual individual poetry recitation competition got kicked off. The first position was taken by Tenzin Lobsang of XI, second position was bagged by Tsetan Wangchuk of class IX and third position went to Penpa Bhuti of class XI. The winners were awarded and followed by speech from the chief guest. Lastly Master Tashi Gyatso gave the vote of thanks.