Wednesday 13 August 2014

The 79th Birth Day Celebration

Along with the official celebration of the 79th birthday of the Tibetan leader His Holiness at the Tsuglakhang, Tibetan Children’s Village School Gopalpur had held celebration in the school as well. The birthday celebration of His Holiness the Dalai Lama has been a momentous marker in the Tibetan history. Tibetans and supporters of Tibet across the world join in the celebration. For Tibetans throughout the world, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama’s birthday is one of the most important and auspicious occasions in a year and is normally marked by elaborate celebrations in traditional Tibetan way. A day before the occasion, the management committee members resolved to have organized a special program on His Holiness Birthday. As per resolution, on the appointed day, two of the members of Management Committee have visited butchery and bought two sheep in order for saving lives of the sheep on this auspicious day. Besides saving lives of two sheep, 27 caged birds were bought to be released from their captivity on the same day.
On July 6, the official program began at 7.30 a.m. with holding of a special prayer (Sangsol) near school stupa for the longevity of His Holiness life. At 9.30 a.m. students and staff members in their best traditional attire got assembled in the school hall for the second round of official function.

Geshe Lhakdor la, the Director Tibetan Library and Archive, was invited as the guest of honor for the day. The program got started with singing of song of tribute ༼དྲུག་ཅུའི་དབྱངས་ལྡན།༽ by students. A group of students have staged a short skit on His Holiness contributions toward genuine cause of Tibet and the world at large. Staging skit was a part of tribute being paid to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, as the year 2014 has been dedicated to Him as a ‘Year of Gratitude’ for his marvelous and wondrous work for promotion of peace, spreading the message of non-violence, religious harmony amongst the diverse communities of the world. After the function, the chief guest released the birds from the cage as a mark of freedom being given from captivity. Thereafter, the guest of honor has once been requested to plant a seedling. The program got ended with singing of Tibetan national anthem.