Friday 25 July 2014

Legal Talk By Tenzin Lhundup

To bring awareness among the staff members of Tibetan Children’s Village School Gopalpur, the Management Committee after much deliberation in a series of its meeting, ultimately resolved to invite a legal expert to give a legal talk on Child right and protection from Sexual Abuse to our staff members. As a preventive measure and to get well acquainted with the legal actions to be taken by court if someone is found guilty with such criminal action while in the school. Mr. Tenzin Lhundup was a former student of upper TCV School and has graciously accepted our invitation for the legal talk. He came to the school on the appointed day and began his talk on Child Abuse and made us aware of varied legal actions taken by the Special Court for child under 16 years of age under the ‘Child Protection Act’ which has recently be amended in the Indian Penal Court. For better understanding of legal action, he cited many examples of that he came across while practicing his law in the court. He too shared some of his cases in point as examples for making his points clear to all. Finally, he urged each and every staff member who has dealing with students should take note of one’s responsibility and be accountable when caught with such act. He also informed the school authorities to lodge a report instantly to the police when such incident occurs in the school, lest the school authorities are also liable for imprisonment provided the authorities know about the incident and do not report it to the local police station.