Wednesday 13 August 2014

Tributes Paid To His Holiness The Dalai Lama

Somehow our native land is overcast by the solidarity from the start of 20th century. His Holiness the 13th Dalai Lama tried hard and let us mingle with other foreign countries. However, we denied. His Holiness was passed away with disappointment. His holiness the 14th Dalai Lama known as Lhamo Dhondup was born on 6th July 1935 in a decent family of Amdo, Takster. His mother gave birth to 16 children, of which 9 died in their early ages. His parents were religious and honest. Lhamo was recognized as the reincarnation of 13th Dalai Lama at the age of two through prediction and many good omens. He and his family shifted to Lhasa, the capital of then independent Tibet. He received science and political education from his tutors and sometimes he gets beaten by his tutors as his tutors were serious. He sometimes feel bad but not now.
Chinese armies began to occupy our natural beauty. Six million people prayed and wished for His Holiness to lead Tibet in the time crisis and he fulfilled them by taking full responsibilities of Tibet and its people at the age of sixteen. As a teen it was hard task. We students can’t even take a small responsibility of our school but he took the responsibility of whole country and ended up as the best leader so far. In 1959he and his fellowmen escaped to India an took refuge. He thought that our country should unite. When Nehru suggested that Tibetan children could be distributed to the hundred schools of India. Thinking education is the root to success he built several schools and camps first. Only after that the monasteries were established as we believe the religion is very important to our people and our land. Every day and night, he travels here and there and let know the people of world about our country Tibet. He is the one who brings happiness to those orphans, giving them homes, food and most of all love and care. It is hard for us to depart from our country but he covers it up with all facilities and loving care. He deserves our heartfelt gratitude.
He believes that this 21st century to be a peaceful and caring century. And non-violence is the only way. He advises all the people that if you can’t help others but at least don’t harm them and that we should have developed this moral values. He always says, ‘a man with moral values and education is surely to become a great person’. Those who lack moral values will become a bad leader. He always calls himself as a simple monk but in reality he is truly someone else. “HAPPY BIRTH DAY TO HIS HOLINESS”. Thank you so much for your wondrous work.
Tsering Yangchen VIII D