Monday 19 May 2014

First inter-house English Debate

The first inter-house English debate for the academic session was organized by the English Department on May 11 evening. Each house has to send three speakers for the extempore debate. The first speaker’s responsibility is to clarify the key words from the debates’ topic. The second speaker has to speak either for or against the motion after analyzing the topic with the group members within the time bound of three minutes. The third speaker has to conclude the topic. The topic for extempore debate has been given to the house after the draw of lot. Trisong house representatives spoke on ‘Should all be banned in the school’, Triral house speakers spoke on ‘Should video game be considered as sport’, Nyatri house speakers debated on ‘Most effective learning takes place outside the school’ and Songsten house debaters debated on ‘Television is the leading cause of violence in Today’s society’. During the rebuttal session, each house was given time to ponder on the topic for awhile before actually motion is being debated. The result of the first inter-house English debate is as given under. The first position is bagged by Triral and followed by Nyatri, Trisong and Songsten house respectively.