Monday 19 May 2014

Graduation Day

Outgoing class XII graduation function was held on 31st March, 2014 at 9.30 AM. The chief guest for the occasion was Gyen Thupten Dorjee from the head office, TCV. The program started with TCV School Gopalpur Song ‘Gangri Thonpo’. Thereafter the principal Phuntsok Tashi gave the introductory speech with appreciation words for the outgoing students who had left behind good image by being so responsible and self-disciplined throughout the year and for having set a good example before the school. He thanked them for their good behavior and being studious throughout the year. He further informed the outgoing students about the difference of environment between the school and society and urged everyone to be responsible, know time management and pursue for specialization in their field of study. At the end the principal wished them good luck in the years ahead. Next speaker was master Jampa la, the representative of outgoing students expressed the sentiments of students after having spent 10 years in the school. He said that there is no fundamental difference between the staff members of TCV Suja and TCV Gopalpur in terms of shouldering the responsibilities in the upbringing of students. What he noticed was there was lack of respect being shown from the students’ end which must be done away with. Finally his apologies go to those who had been hurt during the tenure of his captaincy if he has committed mistakes. The chief guest was impressed by the school song and pointed out that outgoing students have to remember the gratitude of the school and they won’t find such greenery environment once you step out of the school and may encounter different problems but have to face those challenges bravely and get adjusted with the new setting. The guest of honor was gladdened to have seen many ex-TCVians are making contribution towards Tibetan Children’s Village from across the world. Finally he laid stress on to be a good human being and imperative for all of us to preserve our rich cultural heritage and be proud of being a Tibetan. After the formal function, there was snack and tea for the staff and outgoing class XII students followed by photo session with subject teachers and management committee.