Monday 19 May 2014

Class XI Reporting

April 7 is the day on which students from sister TCV schools will report TCV Gopalpur for Arts Stream. There were initially 190 students in the list joining Arts Stream from TCV Dharamsala, TCV Chauntra, and TCV Bylakuppe including our own students. But some of them have not reported either due to withdrawals or left for other schools or abroad already. There were 175 students on the ground this year. A welcome tea party was organized on the evening of April 8 with members from Advisory Committee and Management Committee. On 9th April the new class XI students were apprised of school discipline by the members of Advisory committee, so that they know the rules and regulations of the school in advance and there is no breach of school discipline by them knowingly or unknowingly and at the same time school authorities expect good discipline from them in the coming months.