Thursday 6 October 2016

Tibetan Quiz Contest

One of the important literary programs of Tibetan Department is holding of Tibetan Quiz. This was organized in place of patriotic song or rhetoric competition among the classes used to be held in the past. The introduction of Tibetan quiz this year is very special in its own kind and the participants were selected from students of class VII through XII. The quiz masters have asked questions from the life history of our spiritual leader His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, as a tribute being paid to His Holiness for his life long struggle for the genuine cause of Tibet and Tibetans since his coming into exile. Following are the different rounds of quizzes; General round, Visual round, Multiple choice round and Rapid Fire round and there were different quiz masters for each round. Mr. Lobsang Ngawang took the General round & multiple choice rounds, Mr. Nyima Dhondup asked questions based on Visual round, and Mr. Sonam Topgyal post questions from the Rapid Fire round. The year 2016 Tibetan quiz winning team is students of class X. The winners were honored with prizes and consolation prizes to the participating teams by the senior section headmaster Mr. Molam.