Thursday 6 October 2016

Social Science Quiz

As per resolution passed in the Arts Department meeting, the members of the Arts department resolved to hold Social Science Quiz as per schedule in the school diary. Of the 6 hostels, each hostel is required to send three representatives, making it the total of 18 participants for the event. In the meeting, it was unanimously decided to form 6 teams with three participants in each team. The social science quizzes were to be held in the following rounds;
1.    General round
2.    Tibetan History
3.    Visual round
4.    Rapid Fire round
For each round there is a different quiz master. The General Round was taken up by Gen. Tashi Choden who would put two questions to each team. Questions from Tibetan history were asked by Gen. Tenzin Rinzin, the visual round was taken up by Gen. Kunchok Tsering and the Rapid Fire round was asked by Gen. Kalsang Damdul.  The rules to be followed by the participants were made known to them prior to the start of actual contest. It was left to the discretion of quiz masters whether to give full or half marks to the partly answered questions. However, it was made mandatory to pose questions comprising both closed ended and multiple choices. The social science quiz teams were comprised of the following hostels viz. Shishpakma, Green, Yumbu, Potala, Mini, and Yulokoe hostels. Each team is required to give answers within the time bound of 30 seconds and correct answer will fetch 5 marks. There will be no negative marking for incorrect answers. Team’s representative for the specialized round will be given one minute to attempt as many questions as he/she can answer The winning team of social science quiz was Yumbu team of class XI students.