Thursday 6 October 2016

18th Inter-House Athletics Meet - 2016.

The 18th Annual Sports Day of the School was held on October 1. It was one of the most important events of the school calendar and the occasion was graced by the honorable chief guest Shri Brij Bihari Butail, the speaker of Legislative Assembly of Himachal Pradesh. The guest of honor in his speech said that he was impressed by the Tibetans for having well preserved their cultural heritage in the exile community. He further urged students to pay attention to one’s own culture, language and tradition because these would give you recognition and your identity. You are identified and recognized by your language, culture and heritage and these are taught to the students in your school.  The upcoming younger Tibetan generation is held responsible for the preservation of culture, language and tradition in years ahead. Under the guidance of housemasters and physical education teachers, the students were trained for over a month in various athletics disciplines. Students of XI grade were assigned the responsibility of ground preparation and track marking and a number of other volunteer students and staff members made their contribution in making this event a grand success. Through this event, many students got opportunity to display their skills and others got to improve their athletics skills. For them, it was an important platform for learning how to stage big events. After all, the entire event proved to be a joyful learning experience. The school Management Committee resolved to provide a special dish to the students and other distinguished guests for the occasion. Gen. Thupten Dorjee la, the President of the TCV Schools had been the special guest on the 18th Inter-house Athletics meet and the winning individuals and houses were given away prizes by the President of Tibetan Children’s Village Schools. The house-wise standing is as follow after the meet; Trisong house got the first position, Nyatri house in second, Triral house in third and Songsten house in fourth position. After the prize distribution, the chairman of the Games & Sports Committee Mr. Molam gave the vote of thanks speech. ..