Saturday 8 March 2014

Orientation Program

Orientation program for the new academic session 2014 was arranged by the Management Committee for the staff members on 8 March, 2014 so that staff members get prepared for the new session and get going well. The orientation program was graced by ex-prime minister Prof. Samdong Rinpoche of Central Tibetan Administration. It is an honor to have him as a chief guest on the appointed day. His main focus of talk was on how to become an effective teacher and what are the essential qualities of a good and exemplary teacher. Teachers are role model before the eyes of students and they (students) tend to copy what the teacher is doing on and off the page. So, teachers have huge responsibility to mould students’ behavior and help to build modules for learning. Teachers are not mere providers of information but have to go beyond the text books to enable students going for non-innate learning. They have to act like facilitators, guides, managers and shoulder the responsibility of students’ upbringing with parental care and love besides keeping in mind the Mission and Goals of the Tibetan Children’s Village Schools.