Monday 7 March 2016

Orientation Day One (28th February, 2016)

On 28th February 2016, all the staff members of TCV School Gopalpur got assembled at Green Hostel for Day One Orientation Program, initiated by the school management committee to get mentally readied and prepared for the new academic session. The guest of honor for the occasion was Mr. Phuntsok Namgyal, the Data Administrator – TCV Head Office, who was the founding father of Tibetan Children’s Village School – Gopalpur in 1996. One of the reasons of inviting Mr. Namgyal is, he being veteran, having vast experiences, knowledgeable and well-versed in the working of TCV Schools, could be a good source of inspiration for our young and energetic staff members. We listened to his life history filled with dedication and commitment since the inception of Tibetan Children’s Village. He shared his working experiences, challenges and difficulties that he came across and overcoming of those challenges with sincerity, honesty and commitment toward the works that had been assigned to him by Tibetan Children’s Village. In the infancy stage of TCV Gopalpur’s growth and development, there were numerous problems including basic requirement such as non-availability of proper housing facilities for the growing number of children coming from different regions of Tibet. We feel blessed by his talk and many of us got inspired by his lifelong services to TCV Schools in varied capacities.  Staff members were apprised of TCV Gopalpur’s status and image in terms of academic excellence and asked them to be proud of having been a part of this great reputed institution.
The Second session of Day One Orientation Program was taken by the school Director and Principal. The Director apprised the staff members regarding the important resolutions passed in the Management Development Committee Meeting (MDCM) held at Youth Hostel – Delhi. He also informed the staff members regarding the Employees Provident Fund.
Thereafter, the Principal continued with the minutes and resolutions of EDC Meeting held in 2015 at TCV School Bylakupee from November 2-6.  Minute details of resolutions of Education Development Committee Meeting were informed to the staff members. Every staff is urged to shoulder the responsibility with zest and full commitment in the coming academic months and work towards holistic development of our children.
Day One afternoon session was held in the respective sections and the section heads chaired the meeting. The teaching and supporting staffs were urged to uphold the responsibility in functioning the school smoothly for the academic session 2016 with commitment and resolutions. The headmasters made distribution of periods and related stationary things and requested the staff members to get the work done on time.