Friday 4 September 2015


The India’s 69th Independence Day was celebrated on August 15, 2015 evening with the presence of guest of honor Mr. Sharma ASP from the police department, Dharamsala and local Indian brothers and sisters. Prior to the start of patriotic Hindi song competition from students of VI through VIII, students sang the national anthem of both the nation. The M.C for the program was done Mr. Ram Chand who is our Hindi teacher in the school. Mr. Kalsang Tsewang the counselor of the school presented a speech in which he mentioned how hard the Indians had fought for the achievement of freedom and independence of the country. After having made supreme sacrifices by many Indian individuals through national movements, India managed to get back its freedom from the colonial power. He further said that we Tibetans too need to learn a lot of lessons from Indians to get our country freed from the Chinese rule.

The inter-class patriotic song competition got started thereafter. The eminent judges for the competition had been Mrs Payal Dhar, Mrs. Sarita Patyal and Mr. Sonam Sangpo. The first position was taken by class VI S students, second in position was class VI D and the third position was bagged by VII B students. The chief guest honored the winning classes with prizes. The chief guest said that he would like to visit the school on coming Wednesday to have an interaction program in relation to topics like drug abuse, traffic rules, etc. but to our sheer despair, he could not make to the school on the appointed day. The Indian guests were served with dinner party in the school staff mess. Somehow, it was a wonderful evening for all.