Friday 4 September 2015

PTA Meeting

At 10 am, parents from Mecleodganj and neighboring areas came to attend the PTA scheduled on August 7, 2015. The opening address was made by the school Principal. The principal was gladden to see a huge number of parents presence in the PTA meeting and expressed his strong feeling of happiness and thanked them for having made to the meeting despite their tight schedule in daily chores. He pointed out the purpose of PTA meeting. Why the child is being sent to school and what support the child is needed from the parent and staff members in order to make the child go on the right track and don’t fall off the track.
The second speaker was the guest of honor from the TCV Head office, Mrs. Kalsang Choedon Sherling. In her address she pointed out what the TCV has been doing for the overall personality development of a child. Keeping our motto of the TCV “Others Before Self”, we the staff members in the Tibetan Children’s Village Schools have been following the policy of (བོད་ཕྲུག་བརྩེ་སྐྱོང་དང་གཅེས་སྐྱོང) rather than (བོད་ཕྲུག་བལྟ་སྐྱོང་དང་གཅེས་སྐྱོང) the chief guest quoted the speech given by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama on making endeavor to make every single Tibetan individual into a good human being with warm heart.  For cultivation of good future citizenship of Tibet, support from parents is indispensible and undeniable. We as parents care our child/children very much since the day break until the day ends. If you really want your child to grow into a good human being, parent and teacher bridge has to be built for collaborative work for the common cause in upbringing of the child. When you take your child for overnight outing, please don’t spoil the child by providing with expensive gifts like technological instruments including mobiles. Instead what you can do is, tell the past history of our motherland Tibet which in turn helps to develop the sense of nationalism. She also pointed out that TCV is trying the level best for the provision of food of nutrition and as a coordinator of TCV home mothers, they focus on 3 G. the first G is Go (which needs energy and energy comes form nutritious food, the second G is to Grow and third G stands for Glow. Therefore, parents are requested not to buy junk foods and drinks when you take your kids for outing.

The third speaker was parents’ representative from Dharamsala Mr. Jampa Thiley. He too in his speech, laid importance on parents’ involvement in the child’s education and their collaboration with their child’s teachers. Many contemporary parents lack in providing good guidance and counseling from their ends, their way of guidance and counseling also differs from the parents of yester years. Many parents of today ask their kids to be clever; don’t be humble when someone is forcing you to do something. Parents have been telling their kids to phone if the teachers resort to the corporal punishment.
Word of thanks was given by the school director Gen. Tsultrim la. He thanked all the three invited guests and the parents for having made to the programs. The director made clarification on special leave. Furthermore, he said that if the student’s parent could not come to take their ward for special leave permission, the parents have to issue authority letter to the person on behalf of parents representing for taking student on special leave. The parents are urged not to give mobile to their ward/s, because once given it takes away student’s study time and spends too much time on mobile behind the scene and never have time for study and also urged the parents not to spoil the child by giving too much money. It has been noticed by the school teachers and authorities that if a student is caught smoking, when we say we’ll inform his/her parents, they get scared and we observe the difference that students are afraid of getting informed parents and not afraid of staff members. That means they value their parents and obey you. Parent’s advice is influential and effective and so, time and again, your wards need guidance and counseling on smoking, drug abuse and on other major issues if your ward is engaged in.
Finally he thanked all the parents who have shown concern and given due importance to our PTA meeting and come here. It is not like yaks are left grazing in the wilderness, every one of us has to shoulder in upbringing and education of the children.