Wednesday 15 October 2014

Inter-House English Extempore Debate

The second inter-house English extempore debate was held among the four houses as per school calendar on October 1, evening under the supervision of English Department. There were three participants from each house to represent their respective houses. The first speaker has to describe the topic which was drawn from the lot, after having given them three minutes of time to garner points either to speak for or against the motion. The second speaker was to present his or her team’s view points on the topic and the third speaker has to conclude the debate within the time frame. The topics chosen from the draw of lot were as follow;

1.    Your kids require you to love them for who they are not for who they should be
2.    Character contributes to beauty
3.    Do not train a child to learn by force but by his/her interest
4.    Children’s behavior is derived from Adults’ behavior.
The best and individual debater from the second round inter-house for the year 2014 goes to Miss. Tenzin Choezom of XII A and followed by Mr. Lobsang Dawa XI D and Miss. Tenzin Norzom of XI D in second and third place respectively.
The house-wise standing in the second inter-house English debate is Trisong with first position and followed by Nyatri, Triral and Songsten houses. The winning teams are given away prizes by the school principal.