Thursday 16 May 2013

The first Inter-house English Debate

The first inter-house English Debate was organized by the English Department and was held on 16 May, 2013. The very purpose of holding such event in the school is to bring improvement in communication skill and remove the stage fear and have them practice in the art of speaking. Each house was to speak on different subject matters/topics; such as ‘Ancient monuments are more of making money than preserving tradition”, ‘Lack of moral values lead to an increasing youths in violence’, ‘Today, Buddhism has become a money making business’, ‘Lack of employment opportunities also forces some parents to send their children to foreign countries’ and ‘Helpless old people have become a burden to their children’. All the participants spoke well on their topics, defending the motion. The best debater in the first round for the year 2013 was bagged by Miss. Tenzin Dolma, followed by Miss. Tenzin Yangchen in second and Mr. Tenzin Yonten in third positions respectively.