Monday 14 August 2017

PTA Meeting

At 10 am, parents from Mecleodganj and neighboring areas came to attend the PTA scheduled on August , 11th  2017. The opening address was made by the school Principal Mr.phuntsok tashi . The principal was gladden to see a huge number of parents presence in the PTA meeting and expressed his strong feeling of happiness and thanked them for having made to the meeting despite their tight schedule in daily chores. He pointed out the purpose of PTA meeting. Why the child is being sent to school and what support the child is needed from the parent and staff members in order to make the child go on the right track and don’t fall off the track. She also pointed out that TCV is trying the level best for the provision of food of nutrition. the village director  Mr. Kalsang phuntsok shared  the annual budget of the school and encouraged the parents in taking full responsibility  for educating  their children and importance of self reliant by recounting the speech Finally he thanked all the parents who have shown concern and given due importance to our PTA meeting and come here.