Friday 26 August 2016

Second Inter-house English Elocution

The second inter-house English Elocution contest was held on August 22 evening. This is one of the important literary activities of the English Department as a part of making students learn English through recital presentation in the form of poetry recitation, one act play and speeches. Each house has to send three participants; one for compulsory poetry piece recitation, second for speech and third participant for one act play.
With such platform, our students have access to practicing for learning a foreign language. Students are trained by their house masters in pronunciation, intonation, facial expression, etc.
The eminent judges for the contest were; Miss. Lhakpa Bhuti, the senior most English teacher, Mr. Karma Tenzin the assistant headmaster, and Mr. Tsering Topgyal science teacher in the senior section. The winners of different categories are; Miss. Tenzin received the first position from the poetry section, Miss. Tenzin Monlam of X D was adjudged as the winner from dramatic section and Miss. Tenzin Engsel of VIII D was the best speaker from speech section. The house wise standing after the contest is as follows: the first position was bagged by Trisong, and followed by Songtsen, Triral and Nyatri after taking into the calculation of poetry, speech and dramatic sections.