Friday 19 June 2015

The First Inter-House English Extempore Debate

The first inter-house English Debate was organized by the English Department and was held on the evening of May 19, 2015. The very essence of holding and organizing such literary event in the school is to bring improvement in communication skill and remove the stage fear and have them practice in the art of speaking. Each house was to speak on different subject matters/topics taken from the draw of lot on the spot. They are given 3 minutes to think over the topic and leave at the participants’ discretion whether to speak for or against the motion. The topics that emerged from the draw of lot are: ‘Is internet a safe heaven for kids, The prime motive of school is to prepare our children to become a good citizen than a successful individual, When should teenager start taking in decision, and Is it that difficult to preserve our culture in the exile state’ All the participants spoke well on their topics, defending the motion. The best debater in the first round for the year 2015 was bagged by Miss. Tenzin Norzom of XII B, followed by Miss. Migmar Dickyi of XI B, and Master Tenzin Lobsang of XII B was in third positive respectively. The house-wise standing are as follow; in the first place we have Trisong, second position was bagged by Triral, Nyatri was on third row and Songsten was in the last place. The school director Gen. Tsultrim la honored the winning team and gave away the team and individual prizes. Our perception of students’ English speaking is, over the years students are becoming more outgoing in the art of English speaking, they were less hesitant while speaking. There is paradigm shift in the English speaking amongst the students and speaking in English has become a sort of trend in our TCV School Gopalpur which is encouraging and inspirational for other non English speakers.